Well, it's December. And as we enter the last month of the 2011, we prepare and get ready for Christmas. Every since I had Tori 10 years ago, my mom has come up for a week during December to watch the girls while I knock out my shopping and Christmas preparations. Last year, with both girls in school, we were able to spend the week shopping together. So much fun! Mom's been in town this past week and we've had a great week shopping and Ty and I have had a fun week of date nights with our built-in sitter.
BLOG INTERRPUTED...As I was typing this, I learned that Tori did not turn in her big writing assignment that was due today. I am MAD!!! She's had weeks to work on this and why she didn't have it completed by the due date is beyond me. Her teacher deducts 10% off of her grade for each day the work is late, but this is unacceptable. Ugh! Deep breathes, count to ten, I need to do something because my blood is boiling!
Okay, back to the matter at hand, getting ready for Christmas. I'm glad to say we've gotten almost everything we needed-such a nice feeling to have most things marked off my to-do list so that I can enjoy the rest of the month and all of the fun activities that come along with it. Happy month of December, shopping and Christmas merriment to you all!