Happy New Year! I trust you had a wonderful holiday season with your families. And if you are anything like me, you are looking forward to some quieter days in the next few weeks.
How do you feel about winter? It is no secret this is NOT my favorite season. Every year I wish we could go from the holidays straight to spring weather and skip over the yucky-ness that comes along with winter. I just don’t do cold. And the mess that snow creates? Ain’t nobody got time for that! But others actually like this season. I happen to work with one such person, Kristina Light. So for her article this issue, I suggested a piece on why winter is the worst season. She wisely declined my suggestion and came up with a fun piece that looks at winter from both sides: those who love it and those who hate it. She offers great ideas on activities to accommodate everyone. Check out her article on pg. 52.
At some point, all parents deal with planning a birthday party for their kids. That’s why twice a year we bring you a birthday party guide in the magazine to help you plan the perfect party. Check out some really fun party themes. And, KCParent.com has a terrific, interactive party guide that includes video, photos and more. Be sure to check it out when putting together your next birthday bash.
Stay warm, Kansas City!