Ah, school picture day. It happens every year, and every year it brings high stress in the Sarver home the night before. My girls wear a uniform to school, but for picture day they get to be out of uniform. (Side note: I think they should wear uniforms on picture day. I’d love to have photos of them progressing from year to year in the same/similar outfit. And it would lower my stress level for one day out of the year.) Even though they get to skip the uniform that day, the girls still must follow dress code rules, one of which is needing to cover the shoulders. (Side note #2: My girls own an awful lot of sleeveless summer outfits.) So between what to wear and how to style hair, there are many decisions to be made. Jessica Samuel offers some tips to help make picture day a success.
This September issue of KC Parent not only brings you our biannual KC party guide, but is also our arts issue. It is chock-full of great information every parent can use. From tips on throwing the best party, to the best locations in Kansas City to host your next celebration, we’ve got you covered! The arts are so important, and we are lucky in Kansas City to have so many options through which to expose our kids to the arts. Tisha Foley takes a look at the Performing Arts Series at Johnson County Community College, celebrating 25 years of bringing the arts to our metro. Tori Walker provides great information on the importance of music in a child’s development, while Gina Klein gives tips on how to become a more creative family. As a non-creative individual, I certainly can use all the help I can get!
September brings the official arrival of fall to Kansas City, which means there are tons of fun festivals and activities every weekend! Our calendar both in this issue and at KCParent.com has the scoop on what to do in KC this month!
Happy fall, Kansas City!