I am a Type A, like to plan and am a have-everything-organized-and-go-according-to-schedule type of gal. Having children really tested my Type A-ness in a big way. I was (and still am) in total awe and amazement over local mom Sarah Lyons. Here is a mom, going about her life, thinking her family is complete when, wham, she finds out she is pregnant. And then, triple wham, she is expecting triplets. Oh. My. Gosh. I can’t even imagine! I know that like me, you will enjoy reading about her journey.
During my pregnancies, my Type A personality really kicked in when it came time to prepare for and plan my labor and delivery. I had my list prepared and ready for the hospital, my bag packed and ready, my list of those to call when Baby arrived (in what order to be called and with phone numbers), DVDs to watch during labor, etc., etc. Moms-to-be have so many things to consider and think about for that all-important labor and delivery, so each year we dedicate one issue of KC Baby & Maternity to labor and delivery. You’ll find great tips for your labor coach in Jen Bosse’s article on pg. 10 and a comprehensive guide of all things to consider prior to going into labor in Tisha Foley’s “Labor Day” article.
Warmer weather means time to head outside! Have you been on KCParent.com lately? We’ve recently given it a little facelift and I think you’ll be thrilled with the results. Check out the calendar for great events every day for little ones all over KC!
Enjoy warmer temps, KC! I know I will!