Pregnancy can be one of the most beautiful times of life for a woman, but sometimes the natural course of pregnancy can get a little uncomfortable. Many moms have discovered they enjoy pregnancy more, are more comfortable as their baby grows and feel like they are better supported emotionally when they use 100 percent pure essential oils. These suggestions can help get you started!
Precautions: The most important thing to do is consult with your medical professional for her thoughts and guidance when it comes to incorporating essential oils into your unique pregnancy. Thousands of moms use oils during all stages of pregnancy, delivery and nursing, but it’s good to talk with someone who has intimate knowledge of you and your history.
Some oils that are commonly recommended to avoid during pregnancy are:
- Clary sage or sage
- Idaho tansy or hyssop
- Fennel
- Wintergreen
- Other blends that contain these singles
It’s also important to note that opinions vary widely about essential oil usage, so be aware that using and deciding which oils to incorporate during pregnancy is a personal choice.
Nausea: Only a lucky few make it through pregnancy without being plagued by nausea. Try easing the queasiness with a few deep breaths of peppermint, spearmint or ginger. Different smells can trigger nausea for different moms, so try a few oils until you find the one that helps you the most.
Fatigue: Even while not pregnant, women crave a little extra energy to get things done. Pregnancy takes the fatigue to a whole new level. Give yourself a much needed boost by rubbing a drop of peppermint on the back of your neck or diffusing lemon and grapefruit to create an uplifting, energizing atmosphere.
Skin: It’s a fact that a fast-growing baby sometimes can give Mommy’s skin a good stretch. Support your glowing skin with skin loving oils! Geranium, lavender, frankincense, sandalwood and rose are all essential oils that will pamper your skin while you focus on growing your new little one.
Sleep: The elusiveness of sleep during pregnancy can drive moms nearly crazy. Between being uncomfortable in bed and multiple trips to the bathroom, enjoying a deep, restful sleep can seem an impossibility. Try brushing one or two drops of lavender across your pillow before settling in at night.
Emotions: There are highs and there are lows, but sometimes pregnancy lows can be very, very low. Use oils such as Stress Away, Peace & Calming and Grounding to give yourself a sense of calmness. Don’t discount the role your emotions play in your pregnancy. They are just as important as everything else!
Pregnancy is one of the most delicate times of life, so only the very best, most pure essential oils should be used. Your skin is your largest organ, so anything you put on it will be absorbed into your body very quickly. Don’t cut corners on quality. Instead, look for a reputable company with a long history of producing quality oils in a transparent way. Ask plenty of questions: Where do the oils come from? Does the company own its own farms? How many third party hands do the oils pass through before they get to the customer? What testing and controls do this company have in place to ensure that I and my baby are only getting the very best?
Remember that no matter which essential oils you choose to start with, going low and slow is the best way to do it. Use a low number of drops diluted in a carrier oil for topical applications, and ease your way into introducing essential oils to your body. Listen to how your body responds and adjust what you do accordingly. No one knows your body–or your baby–like you do!
Rebecca Ishum lives in Belton with her husband and 5-year-old quadruplets. She is a full-time essential oil educator and enjoys freelance writing about her kids and their oily adventures on the side. You can follow their story at ABeautifulRuckus.com
As always, please consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns.