You just found out you are pregnant!! Yea! Soon, however, your pants are feeling a bit snug, and you are only ten weeks along. Yikes! Is this normal? Weight gain during pregnancy is one of the necessary realities that most new mothers are not too excited about. However, with a few guidelines and a little self-control, you can gain an appropriate amount of weight during pregnancy that will not be too hard to lose in a reasonable amount of time.
The average non-pregnant woman consumes about 2,000 calories a day. A pregnant woman needs an extra 300 calories a day. The ideal weight gain in pregnancy for an average-weight woman is 25-35 pounds. That weight gain usually means 2-4 pounds the first trimester and a pound a week the second and third trimesters. However, all women are different, and if nausea is a significant factor in early pregnancy, you may find yourself gaining very little to none in the first few months.
In order to have the healthiest baby, an underweight woman should gain more weight and an overweight woman should gain less, maybe only 15 pounds. Excessive weight gain increases the chances of a large infant and possibly a caesarean birth.
Weight Distribution
The average baby weighs 7 1/2 pounds
The placenta 1 1/2 pounds
Increased fluid volume 4 pounds
Increased weight of uterus 2 pounds
Increased weight of breast tissue 2 pounds
Increased blood volume 4 pounds
Maternal stores of nutrients 7 pounds
Amniotic fluids 2 pounds
Total of 30 pounds
A little exercise during pregnancy is very beneficial. Assuming your pregnancy is uncomplicated and you are in good health, you should be active and exercise. Go out for a brisk walk. Let common sense guide you. If you begin to feel discomfort or any shortness of breath, take a break.
Enjoy your pregnancy! This is one of the only times in your life when weight gain is necessary…so enjoy it. Pregnant women are beautiful, and you are one of them!
Adapted from “Welcome to Pregnancy” by the physicians at Independence Women’s Clinic.