It’s February, and the winter doldrums have officially set in. Here’s what you need to do to stave them off … head to Café Equinox at Family Tree Nursery’s Overland Park and Shawnee locations. It’s inside the greenhouse, so while you sip on a latte or tea, lush, green plants surround you and give off great vibes on a cold day! My older and I recently visited, and while the weather outside was yucky, inside we enjoyed sitting on a couch among the plants and sipping on something warm and tasty. CafeEquinox.com

When my girls were young, I signed them up for Little Passports. I loved receiving a monthly box full of fun and educational activities. Sadly, they have outgrown Little Passports, but I was recently introduced to Bizy Bags, a great option for today’s little people. Bizy Bags are carefully curated bags that are themed every month to align with children’s interests. The bags are full of fun and educational activities to keep kids busy when on the go or at home—and they were created by local moms! A local product that keeps kids entertained? That’s what I call a win-win! Check them out at BizyBagsKC.com.

I recently resolved to get off my phone before bed and spend 30 minutes reading. I went to Barnes & Noble and the library to stock up on books. Three things I enjoy are true crime, books and music, so when I came across a true crime book that touched on Grateful Dead music and was written by Mr. Stinky Feet (he also goes by Jim Cosgrove), I was intrigued. The very first page hooked me. His writing style is relatable, and the story is fascinating. If you’re looking for a book to dig into this winter, pick up Ripple: A Long Strange Search for a Killer by Jim Cosgrove. Available at local stores and libraries.

It’s no secret that I love jewelry. I tend to gravitate more toward classic looks rather than trendy costume pieces. For years, my girls have worn Kendra Scott, but I never had a desire to own a piece for myself. Then I spied these heart pendant pieces and was swayed not only by how nice they look, but also the affordable price. I get so many compliments on mine, and anything with a heart holds a special place in my heart since my brother’s heart transplant. Guys, be a valentine hero with this! KendraScott.com

When I sleep, I like to have a fan running for the noise. My husband doesn’t like how it dries out his mouth, so he finally convinced me to look into a white noise machine. Seriously, why didn’t I do this sooner? Spoiler alert: Because I’m stubborn. After much research, I settled on the Vanzon White Noise Machine, and it’s perfect. I found just the right sound out of the more than 30 to choose from. The machine is the smallest thing ever and will be so easy to take with me on my next trip. Amazon.com