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We have a wide range of experts on hand to answer your questions on everything from dental visits and playdates to dance lessons, lawns and so much more! If you have a question that needs answering, get in touch.

Q. What can I do to prepare my lawn for winter?

To prep your lawn for the winter months when grass stores nutrients, apply two applications of a quick-release, high nitrogen fertilizer in October and November for heavy root and stem development. These are important months of vegetative growth when grass typically grows roots, rhizomes, leaf blades and crowns. During these months, proper fertilizing and watering produces thicker roots, stronger crowns, aggressive rhizomes and lateral growth for a healthy, thick, winter-hardy lawn. Family Tree Nursery offers Solutions Winterizer, a quick-release, environmentally friendly fertilizer for the perfect lawn next spring. Remember, October and November are the perfect months to get your lawn ready for winter.

Jonah Nelson Family Tree Nursery


Family Tree Nursery is a team of passionate horticulturists, providing an unmatched selection of plants and gardening products for the KC area since 1964. 913.642.6503,

Q. When should my son get his first eye exam?

Eye exams start from birth when a doctor or other health care provider will visually inspect your baby’s eyes to check for pupil response and what is called a red reflex by shining a light in Baby’s eyes. There will continue to be periodic screens of eye development at well-child visits where we evaluate eye alignment and healthy development of the eye. At age 5, or as soon as the child can read an eye chart, we will start routine visual acuity testing. If there are ever any concerns during screening, a referral to an ophthalmologist will be made for a comprehensive exam. 

Brooke Varnum, MD Family Medicine AdventHealth Medical Group Primary Care at Lenexa


AdventHealth Lenexa’s pediatricians and primary care providers offer compassionate, expert care for children of all ages. Find a provider at

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