Waiting for Children to Grow...

    We've all heard about or experienced stories of older siblings adapting to new babies in the home. Some are jealous, some fall in love with the sibling right away, many have to adjust as their parents juggle time and work to spread the love and attention.

    In our home, we recently had a conversation I didn't quite expect. I'm due with our third daughter early December. We talk about the new baby all the time and the girls love to feel her kick. At night they each 'kiss her' when they kiss us goodnight. Both girls have chosen gifts for her (shoes from our oldest and a toy phone from the youngest - both perfectly appropriate choices). And, if you ask our oldest about Christmas she tells everyone, "We're getting a new baby for Christmas!"  Now, she asks frequently, "When is Christmas?" and "How soon will the baby be here?"

    This weekend, I was talking to our oldest daughter about the baby's arrival and she asked why the baby had to be "itty bitty" when she came. Emily said, "Itty bitty babies just cry and sleep and they can't talk or walk or play. I want a big baby. Why can't she be big like Kayla (her 2 year old sister)?"

    I explained that God gave us little babies to care for and feed and protect as they grow into children, it's all part of the plan. She said, "But Mommy, I waited and waited for Kayla to be big so she can play, do I have to wait for the baby to grow too so she can play?" "Yes, you have to wait for her to grow!"

    As I laughed at her predicament, I realized the irony. Here she's hoping her sister will grow quickly, and I am wishing I could slow down the passage of time. I know it's cliche, but it truly feels like "yesterday" when I held Emily, and then Kayla, as newborn babies. Now they are talking, playing, and forming personalities of their very own!

    Everyone says, "They grow so fast" and everyone is right!

    So, how did your children respond to new babies in your family?

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