Baby Name Apps


Deciding what to name your child is a momentous decision that can be quite difficult. You have to make sure the name suits him, because it will be with him forever. Where do parents turn for baby name ideas these days? In this technologically advanced age, apps, name generators, websites, books and even artificial intelligence (AI) can help take the burden off parents. 


Babyname App is a fun way for both you and your partner to find the perfect name. The app is inspired by the popular app Tinder. Each parent will swipe to the right if they like the name and to the left if they don’t. You can even add names you like without your partner knowing, so you can get honest feedback. If your partner likes the same name, the app saves it. So what are you waiting for? Get to swiping!

Baby Name Genius by Nametrix is another app you can use. It gives data about names, such as which names lean toward particular professions or political parties. For instance, do you want your child to be a doctor? The app can help you find the perfect name for your future physician.

There’s even an app to help your baby choose her own name. If you want your child to pick out her own name, try the Kick to Pick App. The app will pick out names for your baby by assessing the baby’s kicks. Just place the phone on your belly when the baby is moving and when the baby kicks. The phone will spin out a name for your child.

Name Generators

Several websites offer name generators. offers a name generator tool. It asks you the gender, any origin, style or meaning you would like, as well as whether you have a preference on the first initial and how many syllables. Then it gives you several name suggestions. I gave this a try and really loved one of the name suggestions.

I also tried out the Baby Name DNA name generator at According to Nameberry, Baby Name DNA analyzes your individual name style and identifies your unique blend of eight main baby name types. My family has unique names, so I used the tool to generate a unique name. I was asked to look at several images and choose my preferences. I couldn’t believe how spot-on the name suggestions were!


Named by AI is a name-generating tool that uses AI to help parents find names for their newborn babies. You simply answer a few questions about the gender, whether you would like a preferred origin or meaning and whether you prefer a popular or unique name. This tool was extremely fast and gave me a long list of options. I found several names that were on my name list that we didn’t use when I was expecting my daughter three years ago.


Social media has become a fun and easy way to find baby names. TikTok has so many name ideas. Simply search for what kind of baby names you are looking for and go through the many videos of options. You can search for names that are unusual, vintage, rare or trendy. The list goes on and on. The only issue with this method is that you’ll encounter an infinite number of suggestions, which might make it difficult to narrow them down to your favorites.


As soon as I found out I was pregnant with my oldest daughter 10 years ago, I rushed to the bookstore and picked up a baby name book. I pored over the book for hours. Now, books aren’t the most popular or quickest method for finding baby names, but there are still several great options out there. Try 100,000+ Baby Names: The Most Helpful, Complete, & Up-to-Date Name Book by Bruce Lansky and The Name Book: Over 10,000 Names—Their Meanings, Origins, and Spiritual Significance by Dorothy Astoria. Both are great resources.

Social Security Website is another great resource. You can research the most popular baby names of each year, as well as look up a name you like to see how it’s changed in popularity through the years. You can also research how popular a name is in your state.

Regan Lyons is a girl mom and freelance writer. She lives with her husband, Cale, and daughters, Atley, 9, and Ensley, 3, in St. Joseph.

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