The Best Mother's Day Gift

The sitcoms tell us no woman wants an appliance for a present. Commercials tout the power of diamonds, expensive jewelry, fancy cars, and other big ticket items. But, this year, my family gave me the best Mother's Day Gifts ever... and the gifts didn't cost a dime!

May is an especially hectic time for me, and this is true for most moms I know. In my case, I have my work at KCParent (where May is a critical season and holiday change with many projects as a result), I am also a teacher with school year wrap up responsibilities, and leader for my MOPS group (ending our year today, but many of next year's responsibilities already having to be met over the last few weeks), we've had an influx of out of town company or out of town trips in the the last several weeks, and I'm pregnant and battling near constant morning sickness.....

So, lately I'm managing to meet deadlines and things that "MUST" be done, but items that can be neglected (like mopping the floor) had fallen to the wayside and these tasks were haunting me.

This weekend, my five year old, folded and put away laundry, did the dishes, and swept the floor without being asked, and my husband came home early on Friday and mopped the floor for me (this was especially noteworthy as his first question when I asked if he would be willing was, "Do we own a mop?".... this was the first time he has mopped since we met 9 years ago). Then, my husband and girls weeded my herb garden for me. Even my sisters pitched in, helping me with 2 major projects I had to accomplish this weekend, cutting the time the tasks required significantly.

I didn't receive diamonds or expensive gifts this year, I was given acts of service and I would have chosen that over diamonds in a heartbeat! It meant the world to me to have some of these tasks off my plate and I can't tell you how nice it was to have clean floors again! All the commercials and sitcoms say we want elaborate and expensive gifts, but me... I'll take a clean floor and dishes ANY day! I love my family!

Written by Kristina Light

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