When a 3 Yr Old names a Baby....

    I love thinking about Baby Names. With our third on the way, this is becoming more of a challenge. Our eldest was named to honor my mentor and her great-grandmothers. Our youngest was named because of the beautiful meaning and her middle name was chosen because it played an important role in her father's faith. So, what is "significant" for the third? What has special meaning? So far, nothing that is "quite right," but then no sonogram yet either (and that marks the beginning of really tackling the task of naming for us).

    Meanwhile, our princess loving 3 year old has decided that we're having a girl. Why? "Because my mommy just has girls," she says. So far, she's correct. She has also decided that the baby should be named Sally. My husband, ever the diplomat, but not especially fond of the name Sally, told her one morning that would create a lot of confusion as Sally was already the name of her favorite doll. We simply could not have two Sallys in one home.

    My daughter, a bit too clever for her age (or at least for my comfort), took it upon herself to solve the problem of too many Sallys in one house. When daddy came home from work that night, she informed him that she changed her doll's name to Sarah so Sally was now available for the baby.

    I'm not sure who laughed harder at her little plot and I have to say that while Sally isn't on my list of favorites, her devotion to the idea is growing on me. So, I looked up the name Sally to see what I could learn. Somehow, my daughter who loves EVERYTHING princess (Cinderella most of all), chose, at random, a name that means Princess.

    We don't yet know if we're having a little Princess or the first Prince in the family, but we do know the baby will be loved and treated like Royalty (whether they like it or not) by two doting sisters!

    So, am I crazy for considering a 3 year old's input in naming a baby? Hmmm.

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