August Editor's Letter


After the glorious summer months, it’s time to turn our attention to the upcoming school year! Our August issue is chock-full of helpful tidbits to help get you ready to make the most of this year. In the spirit of back to school, I’ll share a few of my most helpful tips. The first comes courtesy of my mom, who moved around a lot as a child because her dad was career Navy. This meant she often found herself the new kid at school. To help ease the transition and to make friends, my grandmother would send her to school on the first day with candy in her lunch. When lunchtime rolled around, Mom would take out the candy and set it on the table. It wasn’t long before kids approached her for some candy, and she was making new friends!

My second tip deals with photos. Once you take the first day photos, print up one of each child by himself and put in a folder. Do it that day, before you forget or it gets put on that never-ending “I’ll get to it when I have time” pile. A few years down the road, when you find yourself planning a graduation party and needing photos of your child throughout her school career, you’ll have them all in one place. In that same vein, tuck away one of the annual fall school pictures taken in this same folder. Trust me, this will save you a lot of time in the future! Future you will be tremendously thankful! What are your best back-to-school tips? Share them on our social media. I’d love to hear how you get ready for the school year!

Wishing you a successful school year, Kansas City parents and kiddos!

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