Medicine Cabinet Must-Haves For Baby


            When your baby is suffering the discomfort of a tummy ache, teething pain or a cold, are you prepared? The last thing you want to do is head out late at night for supplies when your baby isn’t feeling well. So, stock up on things you know your little one may need as she grows. You’ll want to keep the essentials on hand, so you’ll be ready for whatever ails your baby.

Lotions and Creams.

Pain Relief.

Feel-Better Tools.

these are great tools to have to make sure you’re giving your child the correct amount of medicine. Syringes are best, as they don’t drip and are easy to direct into the mouth of a wiggly baby. Droppers are also available, but they tend to drip. If your baby is old enough to sit up on her own, a hollow-handled spoon that can be filled with medicine works best.

Once you have Baby’s medicine cabinet all set up, be sure to stay on top of expiration dates and update the medications at least once a year. This is the best way to avoid waking up in the middle of the night to a sick baby and realizing the medicine expired two years ago. 

Medicine Do’s and Don’ts:

Mom and author Gina Klein resides in Kansas City with her husband, two daughters and a houseful of pets.

As always, please consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns.

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