September Editor's Letter


My mom thought it was important for us to take piano lessons. (She also thought we should each have at least one experience with joining a sports team. After my disastrous go with the swim team, she changed her mind). As a child, she took lessons and enjoyed learning to play and wanted us to learn as well. As kids, we did NOT enjoy these piano lessons. I’m pretty sure I didn’t practice very much or do my homework. Poor Mom! Now that I’m an adult, I sure wish I would have actually tried, as I think knowing how to play the piano would be a lovely skill to possess. Kids can benefit so much from music lessons!

Are you a routine person or more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants individual? I am the former, and it’s safe to say 2020 has been a doozy for a person like I—one who likes to keep a routine and to plan ahead. Even though so many of our usual routines have gone out the window, I’ve worked hard to create new daily and weekly routines. I find it so helpful and think the kids benefit from the routine and knowing what to expect. If you’d like to establish a routine but aren’t sure where to start, check out Lauren Dreher’s article. Lauren is a new contributing writer, and I think you’ll love her article and writing style. If you enjoy writing and would like to join our group of local freelance writers, reach out at I’d love to hear from you!

Happy September and happy start of fall, KC!

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