Fancy Fingers

    I love jewelry. And, unfortunately, my preference is for the real deal. I wish I could love the darling pieces from some place like Charming Charlie's, but when it comes to my jewels, I'm wild about diamonds, rubies, emeralds and so on. So I was sad when I "outgrew" many of my rings (and by "outgrew", I mean "gained weight" so that my rings-including my wedding rings-no longer fit). And since my 'losing the weight to get the rings to fit' plan wasn't working, I decided to bit the bullet and get all of my rings sized.

    Since welcoming my rings back to my fingers, I've made an effort to keep my nails looking presentable. I got talked into buying a nail kit for at home where I can buff my nails, but every once in a while, I love to splurge on a manicure. I don't do it often as my lifestyle doesn't lend itself to having nicely manicured nails, but sometimes it's fun to get fancy. I recently went to Beauty Brands for a manicure and got my nails done from a new line they have, the Deborah Lippman line. She is a manicurist to the stars and has developed her own line of product. I took a departure from the color I usually get (beige) and went for a fun, fall red. I named the color candy-apple red, but it's official name was much cooler (as a side note-some day I'd like to have the job to name nail polishes or paint-how fun would that be?). Anyway, back to the nails-they were so super shiny and the shine (and polish) lasted for several days (as compared to my typical manicure that lasts only about 24 hours). My newly fitted rings plus my newly done up nails equals fun!

    And, not to give too much away, but, we have a really great holiday themed Giveaway coming up, and, if you like Beauty Brands and manicures, you'll want to check it out (hint, hint).

Posted by Margaret Sarver

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