I am stuck on band-aids...

            I wish I would have bought stock in Band-Aids. Something else that was left out of the parenting manual was the fact that in a lifetime, a child probably uses over 1.000 band-aids. Or maybe it’s just my child.

            It doesn’t help that my 4-year-old is a bit of a hypochondriac. Even a paper cut brings cries so loud that you would swear the child broke her arm. But once the band-aid is applied, most screaming magically disappears. She can’t stand to look at her cuts and although she has never fainted at the sight of blood, I have a feeling that one day she just might. We have to keep her cuts (big and small) covered with a band-aid until it is completely healed. I’d have to guess that we use around 6 band-aids on average per cut.

            During summer her band-aid usage has seemed to grow. I love for my girls to enjoy the outdoors in the nice weather, but let’s face it. That just means more chances for cuts and scrapes. My husband and I have made it a rule that if she is going to run, she needs to run in the grass. The falling down is inevitable, our hopes are that the size of the cut will be reduced if she hits the grass instead of the pavement.

            As I write this, she is currently sporting five band-aids; four I deem unnecessary and one that is actually needed. Actually, I should view all of this as progress as just about six months ago she had a fear of band-aids and wouldn’t go near them. No middle ground for her, either love ‘em or hate ‘em!

            Anyone else find themselves adding band-aids to their grocery list each week?

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