I'm Sorry, So Sorry

Conversation in our home on a recent morning:

Ally-"Tori called me a name and I don't know what it means."

Me--"What did she call you?"


Me-"Tori, did you call Ally unpopular?"



Tori-"Because she told me I wasn't famous."

Me-"Well, you aren't."

    We then discussed what "unpopular" meant and whether or not Ally was truly unpopular (she is not) and whether or not Tori is famous (she is not), and then we moved on. Ty and I were chatting about the incident later in the day and he said, "I guess that siblings will pick on each other." It got me to thinking about my siblings and things I have said or done to them and I figured it was time for some apologies. So here goes- I am sorry for having a club that you could only join if you had new toys (and you had to let me play with the toys first). I am sorry for calling you names that I know you hated, for the sole purpose of getting a rise out of you. I am sorry for breaking your arm (honestly, an accident) and for not telling mom what had happened so that it took her an entire day to figure out what was wrong with you. I am sorry for tripping you and causing a gash in your forehead (and for the scar you still have today). I am sorry for throwing your action hero in the street and sorry he got ran over by a car. Sorry also for losing your GI Joe figure in the huge dirt pile. Sorry I told mom about your new piercings even when I promised I wouldn't (I just didn't think it was fair for her to find out while chaperoning your spring break trip). Sorry for being bossy (although I'm still convinced I'm not nearly as bad as you all make me out to be).

    I could go on and on, but let me say, in spite of it all, I am thankful for all of my siblings and the close bond we share. It must have been all the picking on in our younger days that makes us all such great friends today!

Posted by Margaret Sarver

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