Over 21? You should Text and Drive.

    Last week, the Missouri legislature passed a law prohibiting drivers 21 or younger from sending, reading, or writing an electronic message while driving. Studies show that 80% of automobile accidents involve a distracted driver and "texting" ranked number one as the teen distraction with 50% of teens admitting to texting and driving. If you're caught breaking the new law, the fine is $200.

    Okay, I agree distracted driving is dangerous. Duh. And, I am dumbfounded that anyone can possibly text and drive safely (granted my husband and I have purposely chosen not to have texting available on our phones, so I've never sent or received a text). I have witnessed countless distracted drivers who were texting, reading Kindle's, reading the newspaper, applying makeup, fidgeting with their cell phone or radio, fixing their hair... or the #1 distraction for me personally... trying to calm back seat passengers who happen to be under 3 ft tall, but able to produce noise that rivals any rock concert.

    The government has long held it their responsibility to "keep us safe" on the roads from buckle laws to carseat legislation, drunk driving laws and now legislating electronic devices. Whether that is their job or not I'll leave to another day.

    The big question I want to ask is WHY 21? What happens on a 21st birthday that texting and driving is "suddenly safe" or even "safer"? I know a LOT of people over 21 who text and just like their younger counterparts, they too have only one set of eyes and one set of hands. They too, must look away from the wheel and focus on the message if they're texting (perhaps moreso than teens who have developed a texting addiction and know the keyboard better than the current location of their algebra books). IMO if texting and driving is wrong when you are 16, it is wrong when you are 36. 

    Oh and how does this work.. you have a 25 year old on her way to work at a Coffee Shop. She's texting and driving. An officer pulls her over because 25 looks a lot like 21 (at least it did for me) and discovers she's old enough to text. She goes on her merry way, because her birthdate makes it okay?

    Thanks to my legislators! You did it again... another crazy law on the books because apparently someone somewhere with influence and/or deep pockets felt it necessary to protect the rights of business executives, mini-van moms, and 20-somethings who drive and text by refusing to put the kabosh on the whole thing.

    For my friends across state line... Kansas is talking about passing their own texting law and based on trends, I think it can be expected to be a hot topic in the Sunflower State all year.

    So, to all my over 21 readers... feel free to read this blog from your electronic device during rush hour in the Grandview Triangle... your lawmakers said you could.

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