Sound Familiar?

    I'm spending some time with my mom and dad while my dad recuperates from surgery. The other day I went to take a shower. Simple enough. I turned on the water to let it heat up when I notice that there's no more soap in the shower. I go looking for a bar of soap (which should be an easy task, but my parents have drawers full of soaps from hotels and what I want is a real bar of soap, not a small, hotel soap. And just why do they collect hotel soaps? You got me). Anyway, as I'm on the hunt for soap, the phone rings. I answer it, chat with my mom and then proceed to call my siblings to give them the latest report on dad. As I'm calling my last sibling, I decide that it would probably be better to text my brother who is at work, as he can't take phone calls during the day. So I walk back to my room, only to pass the bathroom and realize that I had left the water on in the shower! By now the water is cold, I turn it off and wait for the hot water tank to refill so I can take my shower. Sigh. Years ago I was a functioning member of society. Kids and age have taken their toll. One of these days I'll be just as sharp minded as I used to be (I hope!).

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