Teeth Troubles

    Over winter break we entered the world of orthodontia. Tori received a palate separator. My thinking was that by getting it over the break she would have time to adjust to it and not be so uncomfortable and self conscious once school was back in session. And with the snow days, she's had extra time to adjust!

    She has inherited my small, crowded mouth and has several years of orthodontic work in front of her. I had several permanent teeth pulled, braces twice and something called a cage to help with my tongue thrust. The cage was very uncomfortable and not a great experience for me and so I am a bit (okay, actually very) apprehensive about Tori starting this whole journey. I am a little surprised that in the past 25 years since I had my work done that someone hasn't come up with appliances that aren't so intrusive and painful. I am trying to keep my feelings to myself so that Tori doesn't pick up on them but it is hard.

    The palate separator went in well and she was a trooper. It was a rough few days while she worked to train herself to be able to swallow with it in her mouth but she has made good progress and is doing well and so far, I have remembered to turn the key each day. So after a bit of a rocky start, she is doing well and so far, so am I. I hope that I am able to keep doing as well as she is in the coming months.

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