The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth

 For most of my life I’ve believed that there was a right answer and a wrong answer to most questions. I saw things as black or white and rarely saw shades of grey. As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned that things aren’t always one way or the other but usually fall somewhere in between. However, I still try to teach my girls what I believe to be correct information.


For example, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse was on the other day and they were talking about rainbows and singing a song about the six colors of the rainbow. Things like this just make me crazy. Why teach children that there are only six colors of the rainbow when there are seven? What’s the point in telling them false information?


The girls have a CD an on it there is a song about colors. It talks about “the basic four” colors. Again, I just want to scream, “There are only THREE primary colors, not FOUR!”.


That being said, my girls are also extremely sheltered. While I believe in telling them the truth, I don’t believe they need to know any more than is appropriate for their ages.


And, I am not always honest with them. We have Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny that visit us. There are white lies that I tell them throughout the day, “Yes, I would LOVE one more picture of My Little Pony” or “MmmHmm, I heard exactly what you said”.


So I am by no means perfect. I just think we should be honest and open as often as we can and that would help solve some of society’s ills (of which I think there are many, but more on those at a later date).


Are there things like this that drive you crazy? What white lies do you find yourself telling your kids?

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