These are a Few of My Favorite Things

    Each Thursday is "blog day" in my world. I usually spend a part of my work day putting together my weekly blog post. For many reasons, Thursday is my favorite day of the week. I love that after Thursday, there is only one more work/school day. The world seems a little brighter knowing that a break is on the horizon. The girls are just a bit easier to get up, knowing they only have one more early morning before they get to sleep in for two glorious days. Another reason I heart Thursdays is because it is date night for me and Ty. Ally has dance from 5:30 to 6:30 (a supremely inconvenient time, why aren't there classes offered at say, 4:00?) and so dinnertime is interrupted. I feed the girls a heavy snack and a late dinner, Ty works late and then brings home dinner and a movie for us. Not much, but I really enjoy our at-home dates.     

    Speaking of favorite days, my favorite time of day is early morning. I love being up a few minutes before everyone else, opening the blinds, smelling the coffee and breakfast-at that time of day all is well in the world and my family is together in our home.

    What about you? What's your favorite day of the week or time of day and why?


Posted by Margaret Sarver

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