Using Games to Reinforce Skills Learned in School


      Let’s face it-kids love to play games! Seize upon that desire and use game playing as not only a wonderful time to bond with your child but also as an opportunity to reinforce important skills. Many of the standard, family favorite games you already own can help build upon what is taught in the classroom.

            It’s never too early to begin playing games. Playing with preschool aged children helps them get a jump on what they’ll soon be learning in school. Concepts such as taking turns, number and letter recognition, one-to-one correspondence, as well as visual and spatial reasoning are just some of the skills introduced and reinforced through game playing. Some great games for this age include Cariboo, puzzles, Hi-Ho Cheerio, Chutes and Ladders and Memory.

            Once your child enters elementary school keep playing those games! Playing games with this age will reinforce math, spelling, reasoning and reading skills. Because your child views game playing as fun you will meet with less resistance as you try to help them learn and practice their skills. Some games to play with your elementary aged children are Rat-a-Tat Cat, Guess Who, Zingo, Racko and Scrabble Junior.

            Games for older elementary children build upon essential school skills and also help develop higher level thinking and critical thinking skills. Games such as Rush Hour, Apples to Apples, Boggle and Blokus are perfect for this age.

            An added benefit of game playing is that it will aid you as you try to teach such concepts as telling the truth, following directions and being a good sport whether you win or lose. In the words of Charles Schultz, “try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational.” Open up a box of fun and education tonight-everyone will be a winner!

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