Valentine Craft Inspiration

Roses are red...violets are blue, get out the candy, paper & glue!

Roses are red...violets are blue, get out the candy, paper & glue!

I have to admit, I am not much of a winter person. The cold weather and short days can get quite old by the time February rolls around. But, I sure do love the way Valentine’s Day always seems to brighten up even the darkest winter days. I love all of the pink hearts and bright cookies, and always enjoy coming up with new and creative ways to send Valentine’s. This year I’ve put together three new ways to say “Happy Valentine’s Day!”

Music lover’s pick:

I know I am showing my age, but I still think back fondly on the days of the mix tape. And since making CDs is so much easier, who could resist a fun mix of love songs for Valentine’s Day? The CDs and sleeves are even afforable enough that your kids could make a mix of cute songs that include the word “love” or “heart” for his friends or classmates. Print one of these jewel case covers: You Rock Jewel Cover #1, or You Rock Jewel Cover #2 and you’ll be ready to go!

Busy mom’s pick:

Kids seem to love these fortune tellers, so I couldn’t resist putting together a Valentine’s version! This is a best bet for moms because it is as simple as printing this Valentine fortune teller printable! They can be used as Valentine’s cards by folding in half and then folding again, and addressing on the back. Or, they make a fun game at a school party, or just decorations on the table – open and fill with red hots! (Image Above)

Kids’ pick:

My girls are really into stickers these days. They decided sheets of stickers would be a fun gift for their classmates. They really wanted to handmake heart-shaped cards with the sticker sheets inside. We came up with an “I’m stuck on you” greeting to go along with the sticker theme.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! 
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