Ways to Refresh and Replenish


Refresh Yourself

First things first. When you are at your best, everything else follows suit. Take the time to take care of you.

Read a book, try a crossword or play a game of solitaire. Pick something that makes you think for a change. We fill our brains with mindless junk food every day. Step away from the Candy Crush and nourish your brain with some healthy stuff.

The strike of a match. The flicker of a flame. Light a few cozy candles in a cozy space and relax. This indulgence takes only a moment, and the aroma love will last all day.

We’re surrounded by music, but how often do you listen to what you want to hear? Hop on your favorite music platform and create a 30-minute playlist of songs you adore. Old, new, rap, country…it doesn’t matter. Pop in some ear buds and play that funky music.

Hike up your leggings for something other than Netflix and try a little downward dog. Or just put on your shoes and take a 20-minute walk. Get your body right, and your mind will fall in line.

Know that you don’t have to sign up for every activity, bake sale, sports event and gala in existence. You gotta fight for your right to party poop.

Drinking’s negative effects on your body are no secret. Bloating, dehydration and extra empty calories all add up to a body that isn’t functioning at its best. Take a step away for a few days.

Social media has nearly eliminated actual face-to-face conversation. Make a coffee date or book a yoga session with a friend you haven’t seen for a long time—and don’t cancel! Reconnect and remember what it’s like to see a smile in person.

For yourself! You are constantly doing for others; it’s time to do something for you. Pick up a flower bouquet, take yourself to lunch or buy your favorite candy bar and don’t share. It’s okay to spoil yourself every once in a while!

Kim Antisdel is a freelance writer and interior design sales rep for KC. She lives in Liberty with her husband, stepdaughters and toddler son.

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