DIY Tie-Dye Shoes


Get ready for back to school by making your own on-trend shoes this year!  These DIY tie-dye shoes are easy to make, and you can customize them any way you see fit!  Go bold with your shoes and get ready for fun at school!  



1. Remove laces from shoes.

2. Tape any white rubber bottom of the shoe.

3. Set up design and mark off sections with your Sharpies as a guide

4. Color your design leaving white spaces for the tie-dye effect.  

5. Outdoors or in the sink, spray rubbing alcohol all over shoes.  Shoes will drip the Sharpie color, giving the tie-dye effect.  If you do this in the sink, rinse it immediately to avoid staining!

6.  Allow shoes to air dry for at least 24 hours.  (Our shoes dried way quicker than 24 hours.)

7.  Wash your hands immediately after you are done handling the shoes to avoid staining on them.

8. Once shoes are dry, put in your laces and enjoy being trendy with your DIY!

Janelle Cumro-Sultzer lives in Overland Park with her husband, two children and two dogs. She is a former health care executive director and is a mediator in Kansas, helping families in conflict. Janelle loves to focus on learning through play and getting messy with crafts. 

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