The Summer of FREE!

 I have decided that this is going to be the theme of our summer. I am making in my goal to see how many free things we can find to do. This week already we have…



Not too shabby for only one week! I love a good challenge and am looking forward to all of the free things I can find around town. One resource that will come in handy in my quest is the new Going Places feature on our home page. This links you to over 500 venues in town that you are able to search by location, cost and type. So if you want a free, outdoor place to visit in your neck of the woods, with a few clicks of the mouse, voila! A list of places that you and your family can enjoy.

Please let me know of any free gems you come across. I’m going to need your help in my quest to do as many free things as possible this summer and I’ll pass along any good ones that come my way.

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