"Day is done, gone the sun. From the lake, from the hills, from the sky...."
As I hear Taps played, tears well up.
I remember listening to the familiar military bugle call played six years ago, as my family and I attended the brick dedication ceremony at Liberty Memorial. The bricks were engraved with the names of veterans and citizens who believed in Liberty. One of those names was that of my grandfather, a WWII U.S. Navy Veteran. He served on the USS Raymond and was in the fleet when the Japanese surrendered on the USS Missouri.
Taps was played again on a cold, windy day in January, 2005, as my grandfather was laid to rest.
The song conjures up memories and my love for my grandfather, but it also conjures up pride... not only for my grandfather, but for all the men and women who fought for over 200 years for Liberty and Freedom for United States citizens.
Three hundred three million Americans have served fighting for our Freedoms. Because of them, we have the Freedom to Worship without fear of jail, or torture, or death. Because of them, we have the Freedom to Speak, to Petition, to Protest, to Write, to disagree with our Government or promote new ideas within it. Because of them, we have the Freedom to Own Property, to Vote, to Live Peaceably... Freedoms we often take for granted... Freedoms not enjoyed in so many other places in our modern world. For these Freedoms, and for those who fought protecting those freedoms... I am extraordinarily grateful.
So today, as we fire up the bar-b-ques, participate in picnics, and play with our families, let us not forget that today is a day to say, "Thank You." Thank You to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who have fought and are fighting so that we may enjoy Liberty.
In honor of Memorial Day, go to Let's Say Thanks to send a Thank You card to the US Military for free.
Written by Kristina Light