Turkey Napkin Holders


Want a fun and easy way to dress up your Thanksgiving table? These cute little turkeys are quick and easy, and, as an added bonus, you can choose to personalize these turkeys for your Thanksgiving Day guests!

Janelle Cumro-Sultzer

Janelle Cumro-Sultzer

Janelle Cumro-Sultzer

Janelle Cumro-Sultzer

Janelle Cumro-Sultzer

Janelle Cumro-Sultzer



  1. Pull any remaining toilet paper off toilet paper roll and paint toilet paper roll brown. Allow to completely dry.
  2. While toilet paper roll is drying, cut out brown turkey legs and a yellow square for the mouth. Set aside.
  3. If using a red pipe cleaner, roll pipe cleaner for the waddle. Leave an additional section of the red pipe cleaner to tape down under the mouth. Feel free to use red construction paper instead of the pipe cleaner.
  4. If using leaves, tape together the stems of the leaves. We used three leaves. If using construction paper, cut out leaves or handprints.
  5. Once turkey body is dry, tape on eyes, mouth, waddle, legs and leaves. If personalizing your turkey, add any additional details.
  6. Roll up napkin and slide turkey over the center. Place your turkeys on your table when you’re ready for your Thanksgiving!

Janelle Cumro-Sultzer lives in Manhattan, KS, with her husband, two children and two dogs. Janelle, the owner of Flint Hills Mediation, LLC, loves to focus on learning through play and getting messy with crafts. 

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