An Open Letter to Pinterest

Dear Pinterest,

    For months, I heard all about you. I heard that you were the best, and once I joined, I'd be hooked. It's been said you are the latest tool on the computer on which to waste time. I didn't join. I didn't feel I needed you. But, one day I had some time on my hands and I thought to myself, "I'll go ahead and join Pinterest to see what all of the fuss is about." So I joined. And I fell in love with the projects and recipes and great design ideas. I started pinning and planning. I went out and bought supplies and read over instructions and planned to spend my weekend with the girls crafting and creating. It would be perfect.

    But then, reality set in. I am not Martha Stewart. While I may have great hopes of someday being creative, the truth is, the creative gene isn't in my make up. I don't know what I thought that you, Pinterest, would make me the creative being I've always wished to be. Those darling homemade Valentines made with butcher paper on the sewing machine? A disaster. All that we got were butcher paper hearts with tons of holes punched through them and tangled up thread. The cuter than cute way to display photos (that you can replicate on your own! for less than $2!)? Well, yes, you can create them, but if you lack color knowledge/style (like me), then you end up with some really BRIGHT (think pepto bismol pink and sky blue) painted pieces of wood.

     However, I am not going to completely abandon you. I will try the M&M Valentine blondies and will make the lemon Chex Mix. I'll even try another craft project. But, my rose colored glasses have come off and I see myself as I truly am-a crafter wannabe.

            Yours truly,


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