But EVERYONE Else Gets To!!!


Well, it has started in our home. Tori is 11 and in the 5th grade, and over the past week, has suffered injustice (in her eyes) three times. She can quickly list three times in which, “EVERYONE” got to do something, and she, sadly, did not. She’s a pretty independent thinker, so I hoped we would perhaps miss this stage? No such luck, I guess at some point all kids go through the wanting to fit in phase.

What to do? Well, best I can tell from what I’ve read and from life experience, is to know that this too shall pass, but to also know it is an important part of growing up. So I’m doing my best to arm her with a positive sense of self and to know that she has a family that is here for her no matter what. And also, I’m trying really hard not to roll my eyes and trivialize her feelings when she does feel left out. I know for a fact that not every child in her class attended a football game on Friday, wore spirit wear to school on Tuesday and went to a college women’s volleyball game on Wednesday (and, I haven’t even said, “if all of your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?” Pat on the back for me!). But, that doesn’t matter to her. She heard about it and wanted to be included. And wanting to being included is a feeling all humans share.

So, here I go, off on another wild parenting ride. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of bumps along the way, but here’s to coming out in one piece on the other side!

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