The Thing Game


My girls have created a new game that I thought I’d share with you as I think it is brilliant! Here’s how it works. First, the girls each write down a list of things on pieces of paper and put all pieces into a grab bag (such as a doll, a car, a tall tower, a spider, etc). One girl pulls out a piece of paper and reads what she pulled. They then each have a chance to get 5 things from the house to use to make whatever object is that they are trying to create. Then Ty and I judge to see which creation looks most like the thing they were making. They came up with it on their own and I just love the creativity! It keeps them busy for a long time and there is typically no arguing while they play. The game needs a name, so we’ll need to work on it (the title above was my not-so-creative, last-minute name). Any suggestions?

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