Five Ways to Feel Better After a Bad Day


Everyone has them, those days when our spirits are low. It may be the result of a hard day at work, then having to come home and be “up” for the kids. Or maybe you faced a long day with your baby or toddler at home when you didn’t even have time to shower. Or you just may feel down in the dumps. Here are a variety of different activities to lift your spirit back up and boost your mood to happy.

Tip 1: Make a list

This is a great mind cleanser and soul centering activity. If you think about it, we make lists all the time, either in our head or on a piece of paper, for groceries, medicines, birthdays, holiday gifts … the “list” goes on and on. Try making a personal list. Depending on your situation, you can make two types of lists. In the first, list all the things you need to accomplish starting with the most important or time sensitive. Then, check your tasks off as you complete them. The other type of list is a pros and cons list for your situation. Often, you will find more pros than cons!

Tip 2: Bake or cook something

After a hard day, nothing is more honestly cathartic than beating and kneading bread dough or making homemade pancakes. This takes your mind off what is going on and will end up being a shared event with your kiddos. Try not to worry about the mess. Laugh, let the kids join in and add ingredients and then, eat!

Tip 3: Inhale aromatherapy

This trend offers so many soothing and refreshing options, and you can find so many that are baby and kid approved. Simply pick your favorite scents, some faves are sandalwood and lavender and breathe them in deeply. You can even take a wet washcloth, dab a few drops of aromatherapy oil on it, and either microwave or freeze it until it reaches the desired temperature. Then, put it on your neck and inhale. Make it a spa party with your little ones. They will love the new scents too.

Tip 4: Dial a friend or visit one

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, either with a phone call, a visit to the park with other kids or a trip to the coffee shop. Sometimes, simply hearing another adult voice who understands your feelings can change an entire day. That new point of view will make you think, and your kids will enjoy seeing you happy and being with their friends.

Tip 5: Listen

If your child is the reason you are having a bad day, and won’t respond to play, he may be beyond laughter currently. Take a deep breath and remind yourself this is your perfect baby, looking at you for love and support. Stay compassionate. Remember, tears aren’t bad, and once he has the chance to cry, he will be in your arms. Step back and re-center with one of the tips listed above and this will come more easily. And, when you are having trouble holding it together until bedtime, bring bedtime on sooner. For example, feed the kids peanut butter sandwiches and carrot sticks and go to bed early. Especially you! Things always look better in the morning.

An avid outdoors girl, Judy Goppert live in Lee’s Summit and enjoys all seasons, especially summer. She enjoys drawing on her personal experiences to write about the nuances of everything wonderful about life.


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