Paper Strawberries


If you are looking for an easy paper craft that is perfect for celebrating summer, try these paper strawberries! These little 3D strawberries are so easy to make and can be used in many different ways. Kids of all ages will love trying out this paper craft!

Materials Needed:

Step One: Fold a piece of red construction paper in half and cut out half of a strawberry shape along the fold. Repeat until you have four identical strawberry shapes.

Step Two: Draw dots on the strawberries with a black marker.

Step Three: Using a glue stick or adhesive roller, attach two strawberries together while they are still folded, wrong sides facing each other.

Step Four: Repeat this process with all four strawberry shapes until the strawberry forms a 3D shape.

Step Five: Cut out a green stem. Glue the strawberry and green stem on a contrasting color of construction paper.

For TONS more great craft ideas, search "Crafts" on our site! Some of our favorites:

Megan Kapple is a blogger from Kansas City, MO, where she lives with her husband and four children. She loves anything DIY and crafty and blogs about her adventures at

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