Tummy Troubles


            Tummy troubles are common in young children and usually aren’t serious. Stomachaches can be anything from constipation to stomach flu to an excuse to get out of school. The tricky part is figuring out whether the pain warrants a trip to the doctor and whether it’s something serious or a passing thing. Here are some common childhood tummy troubles and what to do about them.


            Kids occasionally suffer from constipation. Usually, a higher fiber diet or using over-the-counter stool softeners or laxatives takes care of the problem. Decreasing foods that cause constipation, like bananas, milk and cheese, can also be helpful (MayoClinic.org). Physical activity also can encourage the need to use the bathroom. If your child has chronic constipation that does not improve, speak to your doctor for more suggestions or ask for a referral to a gastrointestinal specialist.

            Stomach Flu

            The stomach flu is an unavoidable part of childhood. Even with all the hand sanitizer in the world, your child is bound to catch it at some point. While a GI bug is miserable for both the parents and the child, it doesn’t usually warrant a trip to the doctor. During the course of the virus, fever, vomiting and/or diarrhea are common symptoms. The most important thing to remember during a stomach bug is to keep your child hydrated. Children, especially babies and toddlers, are more likely to get dehydrated during the stomach flu—a dangerous complication. If your child cannot eat during the flu, make sure he is drinking small sips of clear liquids as much as possible. If the bug persists longer than a few days and you feel your child is becoming dehydrated, see your doctor as soon as possible.


            Trapped gas is a common cause of children’s stomach troubles. Gas can be painful and make your child uncomfortable. If your youngster has frequent pain from gas, try changing ther diet slightly. For example, many people with frequent gas are lactose intolerant. Reducing the intake of dairy products or trying lactose-free alternatives may help your child experience less gas-related stomach pain.

            Acid reflux

            Acid reflux, or heartburn, can be painful and persistent. If your child complains of a burning feeling in his upper abdomen or has a vomit taste in his mouth, he may be experiencing acid reflux. Try an over-the-counter antacid or glass of milk, or prop up his pillow at night. You can also watch the foods consumed before bedtime. Sugary, sweet foods, spicy foods, chocolate, and acidic foods like tomato sauce all can trigger heartburn. If none of these ideas help, consult your doctor who can prescribe medication for acid reflux and make sure nothing more serious is going on.

            For the most part, childhood stomach pains are not anything to be concerned about. However, if your child has symptoms that persist over time, has unexplained weight loss, has blood in her vomit or stool, or doesn’t seem to be improving, reach out to your family doctor for advice on what the next steps should be.           

When to go to the doctor

            Not all tummy troubles should be brushed off. Here are some red flags that should have you speaking to a doctor.






Sarah Lyons is a part-time writer and full-time mom. She lives in Olathe with her family.

As always, please consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns.

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