Help Kids Embrace a Fresh Start


It’s a new year, which means a fresh start for the entire family. According to research from Winston-Salem State University, “Engaging in a wide variety of experiences increases positive emotions and minimizes negative ones.” New experiences bring positive emotions. On the other hand, those new experiences can also sometimes stir up fear and anxiety of the unknown in our children, regardless of their ages. This fear and anxiety results in children’s avoiding the unfamiliar and possibly missing out on important opportunities—a defeating trend that can carry into adulthood. Here are a few tips to help kids of any age take a risk and embrace new things this year.

Toddler Years

Almost 50 percent of parents identify their preschoolers as picky eaters, which means time at the dinner table can be a power struggle. We’ve all begged and pleaded unsuccessfully with our toddlers to try just one bite of their veggies. Research shows it can take 10 to 15 tries before a child likes a new food, so don’t give up! If they don’t like the food the first time, don’t force them to eat it, but don’t let that stop you from introducing the food to them again and again. If they don’t like a certain food, try cooking it different ways and spicing it up differently each time. Hopefully, you will find how your child likes that food prepared and the struggle will be over.

To help your toddlers embrace trying new foods like veggies, you can also let them choose the new foods they would like to try while you are shopping at the grocery store. They will be more likely to sample new items they have a hand in choosing.

Pairing new food like broccoli with an old favorite like macaroni and cheese is another good idea. Seeing a favorite food on their plates will seem much less daunting to tots than having to tackle trying several unfamiliar foods all at once. If your toddlers still balk at the idea of trying new foods, don’t be afraid to sneak in some nutrition in the form of spinach in their fruit smoothies or pureed vegetables in their macaroni and cheese.

Elementary Years

Elementary age is a great time for kids to explore all the extracurricular activities available to them, like Scouts, sports and after-school clubs—among so many others. This is a prime time for them to try out different activities without feeling obligated to continue that activity every year.

Kids in grade school tend to be reluctant to try new extracurricular activities, but setting your expectations for them can help with this. Let your kids know you expect them to participate in at least one activity each school year, no exceptions. But make sure you leave the ultimate choice of activity up to them. If they aren’t sure, help them explore ideas that coincide with their interests. Be clear they must complete the school year or season of the activity they choose. When the school year or season is over, kids can decide whether they want to participate in the same activity again or switch to something else.

Fear of failure tends to be a major factor in making kids hesitate to try new things. They prefer to do only things they know they will excel in, so trying anything new seems like a major risk. This is one reason why it’s important to praise your children for their hard work and effort, rather than just their successes. Let them know you love them even if they aren’t the best at everything. They will slowly gain confidence as they progress in the new activity, which will encourage them to get involved in other activities that might be out of their comfort zone.

If your kids are still reluctant to try something new, remind them of all the other things they have tried and known nothing about but ended up ultimately loving. Having a friend with whom to try a new activity can be incredibly helpful. Your kids might feel more comfortable with a familiar face who is taking a risk and trying something new right along with them.

High School

High school students face many changes at once, including moving to a larger school, driving and taking on their first job. They slowly gain independence throughout their teen years, and getting that first job is just one of the ways they begin growing into young adults. Teens can often see getting a job as intimidating and as a first step into adulthood. To help them take the leap, be positive and encourage them to pursue a job they would enjoy. To do this, sit down with them and discuss their goals. Do they love film? Try a job at the movie theater. Do they love swimming? Try teaching swim lessons. Do they want to be a writer? Have them intern at a local newspaper. They will gain experience and confidence in their abilities, and the jobs will inspire them to continue working toward their long-term goals. Hopefully as they grow into adulthood, they will embrace the idea of taking on a new job, because they know they’ve succeeded before.

Regan Lyons is a freelance writer who lives in St. Joseph, MO, with her husband and 5-year-old daughter.

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