This past weekend, we got a sneak-peek into our daughter's excitement for opening gifts.
Her aunt and uncle-to-be (fiance') brought over their gifts for our daughter to open, since they will not be with us on Christmas. 'A' could not have been more excited and animated when opening her new baby dolls and play kitchen!
I'm going to brag on this "play kitchen in a box" for a minute. It's by Fisher Price, and it's called "Play My Way". This is an exceptional gift idea for all you last minute shoppers out there! It's basically a kitchen in a box. The lid of the box doubles as a stove with 2 burners and 2 knobs that turn and click. The items inside include pots, pans, cups, plates, utensils, and various food items.
Lastly, inside the box is another attachment. It attaches to the top of the lid and stands up vertically, serving as the "window" in the kitchen, and a hanger of 2 kitchen utensils.
'A' has really enjoyed this so far, and the best part about it, is that it's basically a portable kitchen to take to Nana's house (or anyone else's house who does not have kids). Play My Way also has a workshop set (with hammers and tools), a baby set, and a doctor set. It's a creative way to make toys portable and on-the go! Happy last minute shopping!