I'm known as a planner. My children's birthday parties are planned months in advance with goodie bags filled and ready to go. Christmas presents have been purchased and wrapped for months now (this year I was exceptionally early with a baby due in early December... simply I want to spend December enjoying the new baby and holidays with my family without the stress of last minute gift prep). My freezer is stocked with premade chili, meatloaf, and other meals to cover on cold/sick/baby is here days. Preparing ahead is in my nature and I like to have things scheduled and planned. Chaos, disorder, and "unpreparedness" is a source of stress in my life, so I strive to avoid it to the extent I can.
Even though I'm a Type A (or the "Very Definition of Type A" as my husband puts it)... I have my limits!
Growing up, I was Home Educated which meant I spent my life knowing at least one expectant mom at all times. In High School, I paid for my first car, babysitting for families, several times overnight with older siblings when parents went to the hospital to deliver the new baby. Through all the stories and experiences I heard, one thing seemed to be a new trend when I became a mom myself and that was the trend toward scheduled inductions.
As an expectant mom, I am amazed at how many times I've been asked (with all three pregnancies), "When are you due?" followed by, "Do you know the baby is coming on that date?" In other words, inductions are so common everyone knows many moms are scheduling their baby's birthday.
I read an article recently that confirmed my observation. Inductions are a growing trend (1 in 5 new moms are induced) and hospitals are actually tightening rules on inductions because of the high percentage before 39 weeks, many resulting in babies in NICU and additional expense. Seriously... all so we can schedule our lives? Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33483153/ns/health-pregnancy/
As I talk to other women and read articles or posts, the reasons for inductions frequently DO NOT include medical need. Before I continue, I want to be crystal clear that I understand there are times of medical emergency, or "signs of labor" i.e. water breaking naturally, when induction may be necessary. However, it is becoming increasingly common to schedule inductions for the convenience of the adults involved... be it scheduling around visiting relatives, work commitments, holidays, babysitting for older children, doctors' vacations, or "I like this day best on the calendar and would like it to be my child's birthday." Yes, the unknown arrival of a new baby can be inconvenient for everyone to plan, but people have managed for centuries to creatively solve this problem, why can't we now?
For me, it always boiled down to: 1) I believe God knows when the baby is supposed to come, 2) Induction is not a pleasant experience from all accounts, 3) Based on 1 and 2, I would only choose induction if it were absolutely medically necessary.
I love to plan ahead. I love to "have my ducks in a row." I do not enjoy pregnancy (9 months of morning sickness, back pain, and sleepless nights is not my cup of tea), and after 3 pregnancies in 5 years the novelty has worn off. Also, I progress over a long period of time which can mean additional discomfort, and still my two daughters both arrived 5 days late. I also have VERY anxious relatives who call, email, and even predict early arrivals adding to the constant "when will she come?" I know how hard and tedious the last stretch can be... believe me... but, despite it all, I've found it's still worth the wait.
Besides the medical benefits of waiting (let the baby develop and grow until it is time for the best possible health of the child), I also think waiting is good practice for new parents because the "anticipated due date" is only ONE way children rock "Type A" worlds. Our schedule is frequently adjusted according to their health (home last Thanksgiving with two sick little ones), sleep habits, and needs. Waiting for baby's arrival is just the beginning!
And meanwhile, the Type A in me is having to take a break and "flexibly" plan a Thanksgiving holiday of "Maybe We Wills...." as we excitedly await 16 Days and counting until the "due date" (whatever that REALLY means) for our next baby girl!