On Aug. 21, 2007, I sent my older daughter off to kindergarten. This August, I will be sending that same daughter off to eighth grade. Because my girls attend parochial school, they go to school in the same building all the way through eighth grade. So in a sense, this is her last year in elementary school. Where in the world did the time go?!? I was a nervous Nellie on her first day of kindergarten and remember the feeling of leaving her behind at a new school where we didn’t know anyone. I remember picking her up and heading to a park for lemonade and cookies after the first day. I remember asking her whether she had made any new friends, and she told me about Olivea who had asked her to play (I loved Olivea—now Liv—for asking Tori to play. Today she is still a dear friend). And now? Now we are looking at high school. How is that possible?
So this August and back-to-school season, I will be awash in so many emotions. Sad that her time at one school has come to an end. Excited as high school looms on her horizon. Astounded that I am old enough to have a child to attend high school. Dumbfounded by how quickly the past eight years have sped by. Nervous about what lies ahead (driving and dating, oh my!).
The start of a new school year, whether a milestone year or not, is an exciting and busy time. To that end, we’ve put together a comprehensive back-to-school guide to help get your year off to a great start. From saving money on school supplies to secrets of “A” students to smooth after-school routines, we’ve got you covered.
Wishing you a fantastic start to the school year, Kansas City!