August is a big month in the Sarver home this year. This August marks my 10th year with Family Media Group. In addition to its marking a decade with KC Parent, the month also brings another big transition. My older daughter is off to high school. High school! How did that happen?!? Wasn’t she just learning how to read, count to 100 and hold a pair of scissors correctly?
She’s very excited for this next chapter, but I have to admit I’m a little apprehensive. A big part of the reason I’m having trouble with my child’s starting high school is because I remember my own high school experience pretty clearly. I remember thinking that I was grown up and knew so much (oh, how wrong I was!). And if I was just in high school, how in the world can I be old enough to have a child entering high school? Also, we’re going to have to deal with things like driving and dating and all that other stuff/drama high school brings. Can she just stay young for a little while longer?
Whether this August brings a new start in your home or just a new grade, we’ve got you covered in our back-to-school guide. And, to all of you parents who have survived the high school years and have tips to share, send them my way. I’m all ears!
Before the kids do head back to school (too early, in my opinion), be sure to soak up those last days of summer in Kansas City with some of the many fun activities you haven’t enjoyed yet. Our calendar here and at has TONS of ideas to make the most of those last few days of freedom.
Here’s to a great school year, Kansas City!