After the end of a long school week, is your child spending too much time fishing for items out of a messy backpack? With the help of the PACK system, together, you can turn that unorganized pack into a thing of the past.
PURGE: At the end of each week, reevaluate the homework papers, books, projects and any other loose ends your child has accumulated. Toss, recycle or store anything no longer needed in the bag.
ACCESSORIZE: Keep necessities from floating about by attaching them to the backpack. Try a snap-on hand sanitizer or a lip balm that comes with a keychain-style container.
CATEGORIZE: Designate certain pockets for certain items. For example, use larger pockets for books, a smaller one for homework folders, a small side pocket for pens and pencils. You can even label them if you need to help your kids keep track of what goes where.
KEEP IT UP: Motivate your child to stick to those good habits by making the weekly purge a family ritual. While your kiddos are sorting through their backpacks, clean out your own workbag or purse along with them!