Head Outside: Powell Gardens
Powell Gardens 1609 NW US Hwy. 50, Kingsville, Missouri 64061
May 20–June 21, 2020 | Wednesday-Sunday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
The emergence of spring and the buds and blossoms that accompany the season are always a welcomed response to the long Midwestern winter. The option to “head outside” and enjoy the natural world as the weather warms is always anticipated, and this spring the action takes on especially renewing qualities as many of us emerge from municipal orders to stay at home, mostly indoors, maybe all alone.
Head Outside features the work of seven ceramic artists situated within the horticultural displays at Powell Gardens. On the north side of our conservatory, a vignette of sculptures by Nicole Rene Woodard peer out the windows from inside. The portraits describe the feelings of loneliness, melancholy, longing, contemplation, and revelation that might accompany being isolated indoors, away from loved ones and practiced routines. On the south side of the conservatory are self-portraits by six students in the Ceramics Department at the Kansas City Art Institute who have expressively rendered their own likeness in clay. Outdoors, gathered in a group, together but also apart, the self-portraits embody diverse perspectives on being and a joyful relationship to each other. Taken together, these interpretations of the portrait explore how we are learning to care for ourselves and each other as we move through the world, and how that care is being reimagined day by day.
Participating artists: Sydney Clark, Erin Coughennower, Adrian Fieber, Susan Flower, Isaac Lee, Jason Wang, and Nicole Rene Woodard
Head to https://powellgardens.org/visit/plan-your-visit/ to reserve member and non-member tickets.