Johnson Farms Plants & Pumpkins Family Fun Tips

Every year, our family visits Johnson Farms Pumpkin Patch. On the drive to the patch, my girls chatter excitedly as they anticipate their favorite attractions at the patch: new baby pigs every autumn, beautiful sunflowers, giant pumpkins, the pumpkin cannon, the pumpkin chomping dragon, the GIANT jumping pillows, giant jungle gym, pedal karts... their list of favorites is long. MY favorite things include the outstanding hospitality of their team and the agritourism experience. We pick apples this year ($2.00/lb), in addition to the pumpkins.
Johnson Farms Pumpkin Patch is friendly, clean, and overflowing with farm fun you won't find at your nearby park. As a working farm, this is a great agricultural field trip with animals and a real farm to explore.
This year, we were excited to explore the GIANT corn crib housed in their large barn where we also met the new baby piglets.
At Johnson Farms, they have one of largest real pumpkin patches in the area with small, medium, and large pumpkins to pick off the vine. All of my girls love the fall flowers and this year's 15-acre sunflower field around the end of September is not to be missed.
Visitors are welcome to enjoy a lunch at the Barnyard Grill where they serve baked potatoes, sweet corn, hot dogs, nachos, and snacks. The girls love the cider slushes. Seriously, this is excellent food and you'll want to plan to stay for lunch. On our weekend visit, we enjoyed live music with our lunch.
Don’t miss their harvest decor in the retail store where they also offer local jams, jarred honey taken from the hives on their farm and fun local seasonal foods.
Johnson Farms Pumpkin Patch 17701 Holmes Rd, Belton, MO. 816.331.1067