Don’t miss the elaborately decorated sword that James A. Mulligan turned over in surrender, but was later allowed to keep per orders of General Sterling Price. Stolen by a young boy shortly after Mulligan's surrender and hidden in his father's farm near Lexington, it was eventually returned to the widow of Colonial Mulligan in 1912. The family later donated the sword to the Lexington Historical Museum in 1967. See memorabilia related to the Pony Express mail service, steamboats, coal mining, Osage Indians, and the Wentworth Military Academy
Lexington Historical Museum
112 S 13th St, Lexington, Missouri

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112 S 13th St, Lexington, Missouri
Historic Sites & Museums
Going Places
Six-Stop Tour: Lexington, MO
Discover Missouri history at this idyllic riverfront town.
Jul 26, 2023