Notre Dame de Sion’s Service Learning Program

Service learning is an integral part of Notre Dame de Sion Grade School’s mission. Rachel Mahlik, campus minister and service director for the school, describes service learning as “a student experience in the community of practical hands-on learning addressing a community need that ties into the curriculum and is followed by reflection.” Experiences occur at each grade level throughout the school year, culminating in an all-school day of service in the spring. In addition to filling a need in the community, Mahlik says, service learning builds self-confidence and helps students learn more about themselves and their world.
This year’s service learning program is designed around the theme of "Corporal Works of Mercy." These mandates found in the Gospel strive to meet the physical human needs of those close at hand. Sion works with community partners all over Kansas City whose mission is meeting one of these needs. Younger grades make a difference through food or clothing drives or by making kits that can be delivered to those in need. Older students go out in the community to the partner agency and work on projects after learning about the vision of the site. Community partners include Uplift, ScrapsKC, Don Bosco Senior Center, Della Lamb Early Childhood, Cultivate KC, Giving the Basics, St. Monica's Food Pantry and others.

Not only do students get invaluable hands-on experiences, but the school also strives to tie service learning into the larger academic experience. Students learn about the reasons for—not just the symptoms of—societal problems. Through speakers, research, and problem-based learning, students move through a cycle of practical learning to find out root causes and propose solutions. For example, this past October the theme was "give drink to the thirsty." Students learned about clean water scarcity around the world and then tried building water filters. The water department came and taught about water-run-off issues so students could see the environmental needs of being good water stewards at a city and residential level. The students then visited Uplift, which tries to meet the needs of people experiencing homelessness in part by providing bottles of clean water.

The service learning program at Notre Dame de Sion Grade School is an extension of our mission and vision. We want students to become socially responsible leaders and to discover and develop their unique gifts. We strive to educate the whole child. Often in service learning, students can develop their interpersonal skills and hone their awareness of others' experiences. Students build their intrapersonal skills as they reflect on their own feelings, of joy or pride or helplessness, after service learning. We want students to become empathetic and understand the realities around them and recognize how they can use their hands, minds and hearts to change lives and be changed by the people in need around them.
Service learning empowers even Notre Dame de Sion Grade School's youngest students to make an impact in their community.
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