I am pretty sure being grateful can change your life. I know, I know, Oprah says it, everyone says it. But, this is one of those things I wholeheartedly believe. I think it is especially important during the holidays, so I love that Thanksgiving is like a great big gratitude project wrapped up with a huge bow and a turkey dinner, too! I am starting on November 1st this year, hoping we’ll change our graditude board everyday this month. So, I made it fun to do and I have a printable for you.
First, print your picture onto an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper. Then, frame it. (I used a 12 x 12 frame with an 8 x 8 opening.) Then, use a dry erase marker (or if you don’t have one, which of course I didn’t, you can use one of the kids washable markers from around the house.) to add a note, or even a couple of notes, each day about what you’re grateful for. Just write right on the glass! Then, just wipe the glass clean each day to start over again.
Or, if you don’t have a frame to use, I’ve included small versions of the art on the second page of the PDF. Just print these out and write your notes for adding to the fridge, pinning on a bulletin board, stringing across the mantel or adding to a “Thanksgiving tree” made of branches from your backyard.