As a general rule, bloggers like comments. However, I couldn’t have been more relieved to not get any comments on my post last week. I wrote about spring cleaning and invited readers to clean along with me. However, I realized I like Spring Break more than Spring Cleaning.
I completely forgot that this week is spring break for many area students. My kids even have a break from preschool. There is nothing quite like having three children five years old and under who are home all day to put a damper on my plans to do a bit of deep cleaning. I couldn’t be happier.
Rather than spend my week cleaning our cabinets and scrubbing the stove, I’ve hosted two play dates. We’ve made pizza and cupcakes. We’re working our way through a large stack of library books and videos. Aside from one trip to the library and a few trips to the gym, we have no plans to go anywhere special. Rather, we’ll spend time at home enjoying each other. I have a few surprises planned as well as some special ideas for our days. We’ve already enjoyed “Bubble Day” and “Friend Day.” Of course, today will be about all things green. My daughter is looking forward to “Crazy Craft Day” which will happen later this week.
Perhaps it was filling out the Kindergarten registration paperwork last week that made me realize I wanted nothing more than a quiet week enjoying my little ones. Either that or it was the constant driving around town to two preschools, MOPS, and dance class that made me decide to stay at home as much as possible this week. Either way, I’m happy for our quiet week.
What are you up to? Do you have any ideas for some fun activities to do at home? Have you visited a new place this week? If you need ideas, be sure to visit the calendar at