12: Varieties of peaches grown at Schweizer Orchards in St. Joseph, MO, where you can pick your own peaches in celebration of Peach Month.
1821: On Aug. 10 of this year, Missouri became a state.
1979: Year of the last solar eclipse. Experience the eclipse this year on Aug. 21.
21: “Date of the eclipse. See our Interactive Viewing Guide at KCParent.com.”
18: Meriwether Lewis, famous explorer, was born this date in 1774
29: Date in 1920 that Charlie "Bird" Parker, Kansas City’s beloved jazz saxophonist, was born.
8: The number of homemade ice cream sandwich combinations sold at Betty Rae’s in Waldo—try one to celebrate Ice Cream Sandwich Month.
1851: Aug. 20 of this year is the birthday of August Meyer, KCMO’s first president of the Commission of Parks, a leader of the City Beautiful movement and developer of our parks and boulevards.
3: The number of ingredients on a traditional s’more—celebrated with its own day on Aug. 10.