Every Fourth of July, my sister-in-law invites each of her brothers and sisters and their families over for a cookout. Once the sun goes down, we head out for the local fireworks display. This works out great because they have a swimming pool in their backyard, so the kids get to cool off at the pool, they get to shoot off some fireworks, they get to see a fireworks display, and they get to spend time with cousins. My kids really do look forward to the Fourth of July at Aunt Susie’s and Uncle Aaron’s.
It goes without saying that the boys are extremely disappointed that we might have to change our Fourth of July tradition this year. My sister-in-law is considering cancelling the Fourth of July party because her oldest daughter, my oldest niece, and my children’s oldest cousin, is getting married next weekend. My sister-in-law isn’t sure she can handle the Fourth of July party the week before the wedding and although my wife and I understand, the boys do not. They are disappointed at not getting to see their cousins and thrown off by the change. Although we have explained the situation, both of my boys keep coming up with suggestions, scenarios, and justifications to encourage Aunt Susie to go ahead with the party.
Now I really do understand why my sister-in-law may cancel her Fourth of July party, but this does leave me in a lurch. We get everything we ever need at Aunt Susie’s and Uncle Aaron’s : good food, fireworks, the pool, and cousins. Without the party, I don’t know what to do for the Fourth of July. I don’t really know where to take my kids for a fireworks display, we live in the Kansas City city limits, so we can’t shoot off fireworks, and we will be missing the cousins. We have talked about going to Worlds of Fun if we can’t go to my sister-in-law’s, and although the boys are excited about World’s of Fun, they are still disappointed about not seeing their cousins.
Although my Fourth of July plans are up in the air, I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Independence Day. Happy Fourth of July!